Welcome Carlos Cordero as our new Director of Music Ministry
Carlos Cordero will start as Central Presbyterian Church’s Director of Music Ministry March 6, 2022
“I am a Composer and New Choral Music Advocate, connecting with people through new choral music. I enjoy helping others brainstorm unconventional solutions to their challenges. My mission is to help organizations create opportunities for living artists to collaborate in a more meaningful way.”
Central Mission has shifted to gateside services – and the need is greater than ever!
On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, faithful CPC volunteers offer coffee, water, breakfast, hygiene items, toiletries, underwear, socks, and bus passes (as available) from 8-9 am for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Want to contribute your time? Volunteer with us!
Want to contribute supplies? See our list below.
Do you just LOVE shopping online? Here’s our Amazon wish list and shipping information.
Want to contribute money? You can make an extra donation designated to the Neighbors Helping Neighbors fund. Call the church office for shipping instructions. 512 472-2445
For more information about any of these opportunities, or if your heart is calling you to help, but you’re not sure how, contact Carolina at .
Under Stage 2, the sanctuary will open for Worship
Stage Two:
• Open for worship and church activities including fellowship hour. • Central Mission resumes in Smoot Hall with no more than 50 people in the building. • Open to all outside groups for special events and long-term rentals. • Vaccinations are strongly recommended, masks required until 03/27/22, and social distancing at discretion. (Choir will still wear masks at rehearsal and in worship.)
We will continue to provide live stream of the service on Facebook.
A video of the service will posted to YouTube on Monday.
Many current classes, programs, and meetings will continue to meet on Zoom.
Life during the pandemic can feel as if we are trudging up a never-ending mountain. Just when we think we’ve reached the peak, we round the corner to see we are nowhere close. Defeated, we moan, “This is too hard. I’ll never make it.” The classes listed below are provided to bring good news for those struggling on the pandemic’s mountain of suffering. Day by day, we travel this arduous path in faith, reminding one another that each step moves us closer to divine peace and love. As we walk together, we become “the feet of those who bring good news” to the world. Please print out this brochure and share it with friends. Zoom links not already listed will be posted on CPC’s website or the weekly E-Blast
New Opprotunities
Christians Against Christian Nationalism Sundays, Sept. 19, 26 & Oct. 3, 9:30 – 10:30 am
New Members Class Sundays, Sept. 26 & Oct. 3, 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm Contact Pastor Katheryn at 512-472-2445 or
Live Forward & Give Forward Legacy Giving Seminar Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 7:00 pm Zoom meeting: LegacyLINK
Prayer and Meditation Tuesdays beginning Oct. 5, 6:00 – 7:00 pm Led by Brian Taylor, this class invites par>cipants to connect with God
Mission AcceleraEon Weekend — Where Do We Go From Here? Oct. 23 & 24 Time TBA
Book Study: ”The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth” by Jonathan Rauch Sundays, Oct 10 , 17, 24 & 31, 9:30 – 10:30 am
Spiritual Formation for Children & Youth Youth: meets the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sunday of each month. Currently meeting online Please contact Will Slade or Carolina Treviño
Children: We’re offering a Family Sunday School class over Zoom Please contact Allie Barden if you have any questions.
Continuing Groups
Kerygma Bible Study – Wednesdays at 6:30 via Zoom. Call the church office for more information and contact info. 512 472-2445