
Meet Our Interim Staff

Brianna Smith, interim office manager. You know Brianna as a choir member with a fabulous soprano voice. She began working at CPC this week so that Win could welcome her to the office and show her the ropes. In addition to being extraordinarily creative and musically talented, Briana has a wealth of experience in administration. She is already familiar with many of the computer programs we use, and perhaps more importantly, she is a “people person” who cheerfully greets our visitors.

Katy Bedford interim youth director. Katy will continue to work with our youth and children until August 26 when she will begin as the Interim Youth Director. We are truly blessed by Katy’s love for our congregation and for our youth. Her continued service offers a stable, loving presence for our teens during this time of transition.

Rita Odom interim director of children’s ministry, beginning Aug. 26. Rita is an elder and member of First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville, but is often in Austin visiting her daughter’s family who happen to be beloved CPC members, Christine and Declan McManus. Before retiring, Rita served churches in the Dallas area including First, Westminster, Preston Hollow and NorthPark. In addition, she has written curriculum for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), for Grace Presbytery, and Mo Ranch summer camps. Rita has two other children and eight grandchildren.

Win Bent, special events manager. We are thrilled that Win will continue to manage SXSW and other special events at the church.

Please note that until we find permanent staff, Win and and Pastor Katheryn will continue on Central Mission, and Brianna and Pastor Katheryn lead the Tuesday Women’s Group. Also, Pastor Katheryn will be the staff liaison to the Deacons.

If you wish to contact any member of the personnel team, their names and emails are listed below:

Tom Clemons, Co-Chair
Gary Gibbs, Co-Chair
Kevin Cruser 
Martha Collins 
Rita Livingston
Christine McManus

Staff Changes: You can help!

(Rita Livingston’s announcement on Sunday, July 22)

Good Morning, Friends.

I stand before you today with a profound sense of gratitude and excitement, coupled with sadness. We are experiencing a change in staff unlike anything I have experienced in my 25 years as a member here at Central. Fortunately, all the people resigning are leaving their current positions for a positive reason: Kim to become the Pastor of Round Rock PC; Win to retirement; and Katy to full-time employment at the Attorney General’s Office with Victim Services. I am personally excited for each of them.

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We can make a difference together


Information from Mission Presbytery:
Family Reunification
Reuniting Children with Their Parents
The US Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement has a total goal of reuniting 1500-2000 children with parents this week in San Antonio.This is to begin Sunday, July 15 through Catholic Charities and supportive partners, including Interfaith Welcome Coalition.
Here are two ways you can help the children and families being reunited after being separated after crossing the border.
Here are the specific needs:
•   Gift cards for restaurants or HEB to buy food for the families. Please place in envelopes clearly marked with $-quantity of card(s) and tagged with “Compassion400.”
•   Clothes for children ages 6-17. All clothes must be clean or new, bagged and clearly marked by each size and gender, and tagged with “Compassion400.”  No loose clothing can be accepted at this time of urgency.
•   Clothes for adults in sizes small and medium. All clothes must be clean or new, bagged and clearly marked by each size and gender, and tagged with “Compassion400.”  No loose clothing can be accepted at this time of urgency.
•   Financial support to temporarily house reunified families in hotels. Donations can be made directly online at
Gift cards and clothing need to be delivered directly to Catholic Charities at 202 W. French Place, San Antonio.
You can start bringing donations TODAY – July 14 and 8am-8pm through July 24th
Direct Contact:  Christina Higgs – 210-268-5808
“Welcome Home Backpack Kits”
Thank you so much for being willing to provide fully stocked backpacks or items to assemble backpacks for the “WelcomeHome Project” in San Antonio.
Pack all items in a new or excellent quality, clean 17-inch zipper type backpack and label each backpack with Bus Station or Airport (Please be sure to indicate any missing items.)
Important: contact Jane Fried at 210-601-1983 or before assembling and donating your backpacks to verify need and confirm that all items on this list are accurate and have not changed.
Ship backpacks and supplies to:
University Presbyterian Church
Attn: IWC
Phone: (210) 732-9927
The need is great for funds for IWC to purchase in bulk backpacks and supplies.
Please send donations to University Presbyterian Church, in memo line: IWC/Backpacks.
Mail to
University Presbyterian Church,
Toiletries packed in gallon-sized Ziplockbag
2 toothbrushes
1 travel sizetoothpaste
1 small deodorant
1 package hand wipes
1 pack travel size Kleenex
1 smallhairbrush
2 hair bands or scrunchies
Small fleeceblanket 4×6
Other (optional but highlyrecommended):
1 small size English-Spanish dictionary
2 pens
1 small note pad
Coloring book & crayons/stuffed animal
2 bottles of water
In gallon-sized Ziplock bag:
3 bags trail mix
4 soft granola bars
3 packages fruit snacks
3 packages animal crackers
2 pkgs. non-saltysnacks (cheese/crackers, peanut butter/crackers etc.
2 packages cheese bit crackers

May the God of hope…

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Dear Church Family,

This week, when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, the heart of discrimination beat a little stronger. The baker and those like him trample over the Gospel to reach their vision of a moral high ground. As they claim their stake in morality, they puncture the very heart of Jesus’ message and mission.

Jesus crossed boundaries, broke traditions, and confronted religious authorities to embrace the oppressed and marginalized. If we strive to follow Christ, we are bound to find ourselves at odds with the culture. With hate and fear constantly pouring through our social media accounts and television, we might doubt the power of faith, or the church’s ability to make a positive impact on the world. We may feel defeated and alone, but we are not. We have faith. We have each other. God has us all.

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12 Principles of Forgiveness

For the past two weeks, the lectionary Scripture passages for worship have focused on forgiveness. Jesus insists that forgiveness is a required — not optional — spiritual practice. Jesus lived in a constant state of forgiveness, and challenged his followers to do the same. Of course, that is easier said than done. In my sermon last week I referred to the Buddhist teacher and writer, Jack Kornfield, who beautifully outlines the Buddha’s 12 principles of forgiveness. With practice and patience, these principles can inspire us to live in Christ’s forgiving presence.

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