
Central Presbyterian Church to celebrate 185 years this Sunday!

This Sunday, Central Presbyterian Church will celebrate its 185th anniversary with intergenerational music offered by the award-winning children’s musician, Joe McDermott, a free picnic lunch and birthday cake in the church courtyard following the worship service, and proclamations from the City and State celebrating this heritage.

Memorial Service to Celebrate the Life of

The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Estes
Saturday, October 5 at 1 p.m. 

Tom was a beloved parish associate at CPC who faithfully served our congregation after he retired from full-time ministry almost 25 years ago. During his tenure at CPC, he provided pastoral care for our members, coordinated the work of the Deacons, supervised seminary interns, actively participated in the men’s breakfast, and supported the work of the Session until his health limited his activities. If you cannot attend Tom’s memorial service in person, it will be livestreamed on our facebook page.

Join us for World Communion Sunday

On October 6th, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday, in community with Christian churches all over the world. Our chancel will be draped in cloths from around the world and we will have locally baked breads from around the world for communion. We also encourage everyone to wear clothes from your cultural heritage, to reflect the many countries and regions of our personal histories. We are a nation of immigrants and celebrate that heritage.

Children’s Musician, Joe McDermott Free Concert

Concert is THIS Sunday, October 13th, during worship at 11 a.m. and then after worship from 12:15 p.m. til 1:00 p.m. in the courtyard.

Bring the whole family for a fun, upbeat Sunday! Stan Berenstain, creator of the Berenstain Bears, says, “Joe is an absolute wizard at communicating with children through music.”

Exposing White Christian Nationalism

Spiritual Formation Class led by Rev. Jim Collier

Discussion and review of The False White Gospel by Jim Wallis

On Sundays before worship at 9:30 a.m.

September 15 through October 13