
CPC’s Neighbors Program advocates for people experiencing homelessness

CPC is asking city leaders to consider policies that will better address the crises that our neighbors without homes are facing. Staff have met with leaders to ask for more emergency shelter beds and greater accessibility for individuals with the highest risk. We’re also asking for safe places for our neighbors to camp and park their cars. Read more about our advocacy efforts and the Neighbors Program here.

Advent: Our Journey to Christmas Joy

Join us on our Advent Journey!

Dec. 3—First Sunday of Advent & Communion – After worship, join us in the fellowship hall to create special crafts celebrating Advent.

Dec.10— Intergenerational Worship Service — a fun, lively service for all ages! Children and youth will perform a celebration of Jesus’ birth. After worship, we will be assembling backpacks to pass out to our neighbors without homes.

Dec. 17—Spirits will soar as the choir shares the Christmas story through the gift of music. After worship, the youth group will meet for a special Christmas lunch.

Dec. 24Christmas Eve worship at 11 a.m. and Candlelight Communion at 5 p.m. During the evening service of lessons and carols, the Christmas story is told through inspired music, prayer, Scripture readings and communion.

World Communion Sunday – Oct 1

CPC will celebrate World Communion with a lively, musically- inspired intergenerational service. On World Communion Sunday we gather around Christ’s table with Christians across the globe and give thanks for God’s unifying love.

Live Courageously!

Rally Day, Sept 10, 2023

“Safety is not the absence of threat. It is the presence of connection.” – Gabor Mate

Picture of connecting hands

It’s hard to feel safe in a world riddled with conflict and violence, where basic civil rights are threatened each day. But our safety doesn’t come from eliminating all threats. It comes from opening our hearts to connect with God and our neighbors. At Central Presbyterian Church we do that through worship, service, and spiritual formation courses. Mark your calendars and join us this fall as we seek to connect, grow, and live courageously.

Students and teachers – bring your backpacks to be blessed. All – stay for a light lunch and hear about our fall programs and groups.

“Take courage: I have overcome the world.” John 16:33