Pink Shoes

Credit: John Moore/Getty Images

Pink Shoes – Please join Central Presbyterian Church Austin, TX and other faith communities.

On October 6th, World Communion Sunday, please stand in solidarity with immigrants and protest current policies on the Mexico-US border.  Simply gather outside your church after Sunday worship to stand or sit silently in prayerful protest for 10 – 15 minutes. Hold signs of pink shoes, pictures of pink shoes, or make another sign that demonstrates your faithful opposition.

Let’s make our protest visible to the world!  

Please post photos or videos of your action on Facebook and Twitter at #PinkShoesProtest.  In addition to sharing these images on social media, we ask that you send them to your local legislatures.  

Suggested signs:

Photo attached (Credit: John Moore/Getty Images)

Pink shoes – drawn, pasted, photo, a pair of pink shoes etc. 

Words – ‘Pink shoes’ ‘ Love our Neighbors’, ‘Families belong Together’ ‘Jesus is a Refugee’ ‘ Free the Children’ ‘Children don’t belong in cages’

The above photo can be used to make posters.  It depicts an officer towering over a traumatized toddler (Credit: John Moore/Getty Images).  This child in small pink shoes reveals a huge tragedy.  At the border, Christ’s call to love our neighbors is mutilated, and lives are being destroyed. 

Central Presbyterian Church

We will meet in the Courtyard on 10/06 – World Communion Sunday – after worship

Signs: Use one of the suggestions above or one of your own. Please make signs issue specific, not political party motivated.

Pictures of the event will be posted on Central’s Facebook and Website. 

We encourage you to keep this going by posting and forwarding on social media and sending them to your local legislators.