This is Austin’s longest running free weekly concert series (since 1980.) When Covid hit, we had to go online, but we kept going with online concerts each week, some live, some videoed. Covid changed many things, and one is the availability of musicians to play each week, so for now, we’ll have one live concert monthly, on 2nd Thursdays. The other weeks will be online, some will be videos of musicians who will be online with us, and some will be curated from YouTube videos, but we’ll continue to have great music each week.
Meeting ID: 845 9343 2397, Passcode: 753717
Live concerts for 2025: Apr. 10 – Austin Brassworks May 8 – Ben Bartalla, piano June 12 Mateusz Perz, piano |
About the IN-PERSON Concerts
COVID SAFETY: Masks are optional in the church, but for everyone’s safety, if you are unmasked, we ask that you socially distance yourself from our musicians and anyone who is masked. If you are not feeling well, please do not attend in person, and instead you can watch online.
LUNCH: On weeks that are live, to make a reservation for lunch, please use this link: https://tinyurl.com/CPCConcertLunch
PARKING: You can park for free (2 hours) at the Capitol Visitors’ Parking lot (corner of Trinity & 12th St .) There is almost always street parking (meters) on Trinity (2 blocks to the East.) There is nearby garage parking at St. David’s Episcopal Church and First Baptist Church. There are surface lots on Trinity at 7th St. (on the east side of road.) Capitol Metro comes pretty close to the church.
See you Thursday!
Kathi, Coordinator, CPC Thursday Noonday Concerts
ZOOM Link for ONLINE CONCERTS: https://tinyurl.com/CPCThursConcert Meeting ID: 845 9343 2397, Passcode: 753717
PERFORMERS: If you’d like to play a concert, either live or online, please contact our coordinator, Kathi Thomas at .