
Currently, we are holding in-person Worship Services and also broadcasting live via Facebook.

Sunday Mornings at Central

Map, Directions & Parking

New Visitor Registration

Expect to meet lots of really friendly people who are genuinely happy to see you. Expect to be amazed by our Passing of the Peace. Expect a traditional style of service with progressive values. Expect wonderful music. And on the last Sunday of the month, expect a potluck.

We hold worship services each Sunday, a traditional service at 11:00 A.M. The choir and soloists are a real treat! We serve communion on the first Sunday of the month at the worship service (and on various special Sundays such as Pentecost), and everybody is welcome to participate.

Sunday school classes for children and youth and adult Christian education classes are offered year-round. Adult classes are a great way to get to know people and to develop a personal spiritual practice.

When you arrive, you’ll be greeted and given a bulletin. Feel free to sit anywhere. Please fill out a Visitor Information Card located on the back of the pew and drop it in the offering plate.

A few things about the service itself: Feel free but not obligated to move around and greet people during the Passing of the Peace. This is a nice time to meet a few people and know that you are welcome as one of God’s children. During the Lord’s Prayer, expect us to say “debts” and “debtors” rather than “trespasses” and “those who trespass against us.” If you have something you would like us to share with the congregation during the Prayers of the People, please fill out a blue Joy and Concern card and hand it to an usher (who will be walking up and down the aisles) during the children’s sermon.

All children are welcome in worship. There are children’s worship folders with crayons and coloring pages outside the front and rear entrances to the sanctuary. We also have a children’s sermon each Sunday, which gives the children a special time of their own to come up front. All children are welcome to come forward, and feel free to come forward with them as well. After the children’s sermon, elementary children are invited to join us in Sunday school. Nursery-aged children are invited to playtime in the child care wing. (Feel free to ask for a tour or to meet the wonderful child care staff anytime!) The children’s choir, open to all elementary children, practices after Sunday school, from 11:45-12:15, in the music room.

Large print hymnals and bulletins are available at both entrances to the sanctuary. If you want a headset to help you hear the service, an usher would be happy to get one for you. Please return the headset to the church office or an usher following the service.

After the service, we have refreshments in Smoot Fellowship Hall. Exit the front right corner of the sanctuary and follow everybody else. There’s a potluck lunch on the last Sunday of each month. Members bring plenty of food, and all our visitors are invited to join us. Also following the service every Sunday, an elder or pastor is in the front of the sanctuary to receive new members or to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you!