Central Mission

Central Mission is a respectful, caring space where we respond to the physical and spiritual needs of our downtown neighbors who are experiencing homelessness. On Thursday mornings, we offer a hot breakfast, coffee, toiletries, clothes, and bus passes. We advocate and engage with local agencies to improve access to social service supports, with the goal of empowering our community to transition into housing.

As a spiritual community, we can do what other social service agencies cannot — we listen, we connect, and we strive to treat each guest as the child of God they are. Personal prayer sessions and Bible study are available, though not required. We walk with people wherever they are on life’s journey, offering words of support and hope. We believe that people experiencing homelessness are strong, resilient, and resourceful, and that no one deserves to be punished because they are poor. By fostering a spirit of peace, welcome, and cooperation, we trust that people experiencing homelessness will receive the care, healing, and spiritual nourishment they need to transition into more secure situations.

Central Mission serves a hot breakfast in Fellowship Hall every Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The following services are also offered:

8:00-9:15 Distribution of hygiene items 

8:00-8:45 Clothing Closet is open 

First and Third Thursdays – Central Health is available to sign people up for the Medical Access Program (MAP) and offers other healthcare referrals

Fellowship Hall is open until 11:00 a.m. on Thursdays to allow neighbors to connect with service providers, use the phone, or to have a quiet place to be off the streets.

10:00 Support group for our unhoused neighbors

Summer – June 11, 2024 to August 27, 2024, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm – Beat the Heat with Ice Cream Socials in fellowship hall

Current Partnerships

  • Urban Alchemy is available to provide housing assessments or bus tickets to resolve homelessness if qualifications are met
  • Texas Harm Reduction Alliance connects with neighbors struggling with substance abuse
  • Central Health signs neighbors up for the Medical Access Program

Volunteer Opportunities

Our volunteers are the heart of Central Mission!  It takes at least 10 volunteers each week to keep our doors open for our neighbors. Volunteer opportunities include assisting with clothing for neighbors, preparing and serving breakfast and coffee, distributing hygiene items, greeting guests, and providing fellowship or connecting guests with other resources.

Interested in volunteering?

Fill out this volunteer application. Once your application is complete, please contact Andi Brauer, Neighbors Program Manager, at 512.472.2445 ext. 15, .

Donations Needed

There is a huge ongoing need for clothing and shoes that we give out at Central Mission. Donations can be dropped at the Church Tuesday-Friday between 9:00 and 2:00.

Here’s our Amazon wish list. Have items shipped to Central Presbyterian Church, 200 East 8th St, Austin TX  78701. And please share these lists with your friends, family, and neighbors!