Music at CPC

Join us Sunday, December 15th at 11 a.m. for this special performance:

Central Presbyterian has a wide range of musical opportunities for people of all ages – members and visitors, performers and attendees. Sunday mornings feature wonderful music, but we also continue throughout the week and throughout the year!

Choirs and Service Music

Chancel Choir

Our chancel choir is made up of members of the congregation and a paid section leader for each section (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). The choir sings at the worship service each Sunday (except for a break in the summer), plus various special services. In addition, the choir usually performs one or two large works during the year with orchestra, brass, and/or organ.

The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m.. Come join us! The choir is looking for people to join, especially tenors!

Anyone in the choir will tell you that we enjoy a special fellowship and closeness with one another through our sharing of music and the chance to lead in worship.

For more information, please contact Carlos Cordero, CPC’s Director of Music Ministry.

Service Music

The music for the Sunday morning worship service is traditional, with hymns taken primarily from The Presbyterian Hymnal (1990). Accompaniment for congregational singing is on organ or occasionally on piano, and sometimes is enhanced by additional instrumentalists.

Children’s Choir

– Currently Not Active –

Children’s Choir at Central is for ages 5-11. Our “seasons” are September through mid-December and January through May. We rehearse during the service after the children’s sermon, ending when church lets out. We use practice CD’s (convenient for the car) to help the kids learn the music. We sing for the congregation once a month (no rehearsal during the service that day), put on a Christmas program (usually in mid-December), and participate in the talent show in May.

The children are encouraged to sing, have fun, and explore the world of music during our time together. Occasionally we also have some opportunities to play rhythm instruments while we sing. We try to teach each child to make the connection between what they hear and the sounds they make while singing.

Handbell Choir

Our handbell ensemble occasionally plays during the worship service and for special occasions. We don’t have a regular bell rehearsal time; instead, we select and prepare pieces as they are scheduled, based on ringer availability and experience. If you are interested in playing handbells with us, even as a learner, we can work out a way for you to help us enhance worship! You should be able to read music, and group music experience (such as band or choir) is helpful. Contact the handbell director, Susan Richter.

Instrumentalists and Soloists

We encourage instrumentalists and soloists to play or sing special music for Sunday services, special services, or with one of the choirs. In the past, individuals have played flute, violin, clarinet, recorder, French horn, and piano as solos or accompanying one of the choirs.

Recitals at CPC

CPC welcomes the use of our facilities for recitals and other events by both members and non-members. If you wish to hold an event at Central Presbyterian Church, please visit our Concerts & other events page.