
Cleaning out your closets? Donate clothes to CPC

Our unhoused neighbors who come to Central Mission on Thursdays have been very appreciative of the clothing that we offer each week.

However, there is a huge ongoing need for men’s clothing and shoes.

Donations can be dropped of at CPC Tuesday-Friday between 9:00 and 2:00.  Please call before you come. Thank you for your generosity!

Holiday Collaboration 2022

Central Presbyterian Church worked with the Trinity Center and First Church to serve a meal and give gifts to hundreds of our neighbors experiencing homelessness in December.  We appreciate the collaboration with our partners downtown and all the volunteers who helped pull this off!

Winter – Spring Classes 2023

Bibles on table

Lectionary Group – Sunday Morning Bible Study

Do you like getting to the movies a little early so you can watch the previews?
Do you read the book jacket so you get a peek at what’s ahead?

Well, I have a deal for you!  Come join us in the Library on Sunday at 9:15  to explore the readings and see how the Spirit moves in us.  We are meeting from 9:15 – 10:15 ish (to allow choir folks an opportunity to join us – Hi Choir!) For more information, contact Karen Foree or the church office.

Catalyst Classes – Thursday via Zoom 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

For information or zoom links, please contact the church office.
Thursdays, February 16 – March 30  A seven-week Lenten study of “WORDS TO LIVE BY” taught by Rev. Jim Collier.

Thursdays, April 13 – May 11  A five-week read-and-discuss class on  “Hope: A User’s Manual” by Mary Ann McKibben Dana, taught by Barbara Miller, a retired Church Educator in our denomination. This is a  book about Real Hope, spiritual hope that meets the chaos of today head on.

2022 Christmas Concerts

Thursdays at Noon in the CPC Sanctuary

Dec. 8 – Austin Handbell Ensemble, directed by Bob Avant. Come enjoy the sounds of the holidays with this fabulous handbell ensemble.

Dec. 15 – Noonday Concerts close out the Advent series with Pinnacle Brass, one of the finest brass quintets in Central Texas, playing a selection of holiday tunes.

Parking for concerts: Parking is $10 @ First Baptist’s Garage, or often street (metered) parking on Trinty between 8th & 10th Streets. Or there is 2 hour free parking at the Capitol Visitors’ Parking Garage at 12th & San Jacinto.

2022 Advent Happenings

Saturday, Dec. 24, at 5 p.m.

Christmas Eve Candle Light Communion Service*

At this contemplative service of lessons and carols, the Christmas story will be shared through inspired music, prayer, and Scripture readings.

After the service, our fabulous Deacons will host a Christmas cookie party. Please bring treats to share!

Sunday, Dec. 25, 11 a.m.

Christmas Day Worship*

The sanctuary will be open on Christmas morning , and we will stream the service for folks at home. If you join us in person, please feel free to wear comfy clothes or even warm Christmas jammies. After the service we’ll have cookies and hot chocolate in Smoot Hall.

*On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we are collecting diapers for Any Baby Can, a nonprofit that partners with low-income families to build stability, develop skills, and unlock each child’s full potential. Bring a pack of diapers and drop them in the pack and play set up in the Narthex.